With Resolution no. 3637 of 13.12.2002 , the Regional Council gave operational policies and guidelines for the Verification of Hydraulic Compatibility of urban forecasts with reality hydrographic and hydrological characteristics and environment of the area.
This measure provided that the approval of a new planning instrument, or to variations in the force, was subject to the opinion of the competent authority of a special study of hydraulic hydraulic compatibility.
The study, in order to avoid worsening of the condition of the hydraulic system must provide for the implementation of appropriate measures that have compensatory functions of the alteration caused by the new urban forecasts.
The works consist essentially compensatory in the identification and design of volumes and methods of managing them so that the area affected by the intervention of the transformation of the soil does not change its response in terms of hydrologic -hydraulic flow generated .
It was also ordered that the rating Compatibility must acquire the approval of the Unit Complex Regional Civil Engineer responsible for the area , heard the Consortium of Reclamation.
With the entry into force of L.R. 23.04.2004 No . 11 and subsequent Dgr No 1841/ 07 , a new discipline for the Regional Government of the Territory, has significantly changed the approach to urban planning , so as to highlight the need to adapt the "Evaluation of Hydraulic Compatibility " to the new procedures.
In this perspective, with resolution no. 1322 of 10 May 2006 and subsequent amendments, the Regional Council of Veneto, provided the new directions for the formation of planning instruments.
Annex A of the mentioned Resolution , provides "Operating modes and technical guidance " of the new Ratings of hydraulic compatibility for the preparation of planning instruments .
Annex A Dgr n . 2948 of October 6, 2009 provides "Operating modes and technical guidance " of the new Ratings of hydraulic compatibility for the preparation of planning instruments.

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