After determining the flow rates of the individual sub-basins and the entire river basin under study in HEC- HMS proceed to the creation of the stream in HEC- RAS.
To do this we must have a sufficient number of sections of the riverbed , the importance of these artifacts such as bridges, dams , etc. ...
Are detected and then insert all the data in the model are assumed roughness coefficients depending on the different sections ( sections with natural channel , channel sections with masonry , etc ...).
Once you have created the geometry of the stream will give the boundary conditions . These conditions are those obtained from HEC- HMS .
In particular, wanting to study the phenomenon in terms of unsteady flow using the flood hydrograph obtained from HEC- HMS and simulate the various entries of the various sub-basins as lateral entries in certain positions of the stream.
For each of these inputs we use the relative flood hydrograph for the sub-basin.
Once you have verified that all the geometry data were consistent through . Dss file generated by HEC- HMS can run the HEC -RAS model of the stream.
After several attempts and careful selection of some of the many factors which proposes the software , you come to get a variety of results.
That these results should always be compared with the data or measurements or with the good sense of the engineer modeler.

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